Our Purpose

Supporting scientists in
groundbreaking research
to Save temperate
rainforest landscapes

We help scientists to develop cutting-edge research addressing the key challenges in the conservation of temperate rainforest landscapes. From our base in Cornwall, we work in close collaboration with leading international universities and local partners to facilitate interdisciplinary and action-driven research. Our two strands of research highlight why and how we safeguard the future of our rainforest landscapes, alongside championing impactful science outreach to support the future of our rainforest landscapes.

are TEMPERATE rainforests important?

Our first strand of research explores and highlights the multifaceted value of this ecosystem for:

do we safeguard their future?

Our second strand of research explores innovative and practical approaches to support Temperate Rainforests:


British temperate rainforests are home to a diverse tapestry of plant, fungi and animal species. A relatively wet and mild environment provides ideal conditions for epiphytic ferns, lichens, mosses, and liverworts species (some globally rare) that characterise temperate rainforest ecosystems. In the past, these lush ecosystems would have also hosted predators such as pine martens, wild cats and lynx. However, alongside the effects of land use changes, deforestation and non-native invasive species (e.g. sheep, deer, and Rhododendron) are choking our rainforest growth and disrupting the delicate ecological balance.

Our research efforts are crucial to developing a deeper understanding of these intricate ecosystems and informing conservation action to safeguard their future.


Rainforests are often called the lungs of the planet because they play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate by capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While traditionally referring to tropical rainforests, temperate rainforests also store substantial amounts of carbon in their trees, soils, and vegetation. The dense vegetation and slow decomposition rates in these ecosystems allow them to sequester carbon over long periods.

Our research aims to better understand the comparative role of temperate rainforests in mitigating climate change and the resilience of our rainforest ecosystems amid environmental changes.


Spending time in temperate rainforests has been shown to have positive effects on our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Beyond supporting biodiversity and climate change mitigation, our enchanting rainforests also provide vital ecosystem services like water purification and soil stabilisation. Moreover, they present valuable socio-economic opportunities for environmental stewardship, income generation, and the preservation of ecological integrity for future generations.

Our research is dedicated to the exploration of rainforest ecosystem services for people, reconnecting our rainforest communities as ecosystem guardians.


Despite the importance of temperate rainforests for people and nature, land use changes, invasive species and climate change are threatening these precious ecosystems by choking their growth and disrupting their delicate ecological balance. Research is essential for understanding the dynamics of temperate rainforest ecosystems, assessing their threats, and developing effective management strategies to protect what little we have left.


Efforts to restore the ecological integrity and resilience of degraded temperate rainforest landscapes must be guided by research that enhances our ecological understanding and evaluates restoration techniques. The success and sustainability of restoration efforts depend on community engagement, monitoring and evaluation, and policy development. Through scientific inquiry and collaboration, our research contributes to addressing the multifaceted challenges of temperate rainforest restoration and advancing conservation efforts for these unique ecosystems.


Although 20% of the British Isles hold suitable climate and environmental conditions for temperate rainforests to thrive, less than 1% currently remains. To expand the existing rainforest fragments, multi-disciplinary research is crucial. This includes research on enhancing the connectivity and gene flow between forest fragments, as well as the integration of temperate rainforests with other land uses to balance the ecological, economic and social values in the British landscape.

Europe’s First
Temperate Rainforest Research Station

In the depths of our rainforest valley on Bodmin Moor, we are currently building a research station to facilitate ground-breaking thinking and collaboration with tangible impact in Cornwall and across other temperate biomes.

Figure 1
The design and concept for Europe’s first Atlantic Temperate Rainforest Research Station includes a bunkhouse for scientists, a laboratory for analysis and climate controlled sample and equipment storage

Our rainforest site provides the ideal location for conducting comparative and experimental research all year around. With its diverse range of ecosystems ranging from ancient temperate rainforests to degraded farmland, and forest ecosystems at different levels of intactness, it is the perfect place to study both the value of temperate rainforests for biodiversity, climate and people, as well as effective strategies to protect, restore and expand this rare ecosystem.

How you can get involved

Collaborate with us

Join us at our rainforest research
centre rooted in the forest


on Bodmin moor

Our field site represents a 300-acre upland hill farm. The land consists of 100 acres of woodland, including both secondary and ancient rainforest, alongside 200 acres of degraded grazing land.

ABout The

Growing the roots of a thousand-year legacy, we are on a mission to catalyse the movement to triple the amount of temperate rainforest growing across the UK over the next thirty years.

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